The PRSA New Professionals Section held our first brown bag teleconference “Navigating Your Financial Future” with financial advisor Jim Beverley on Thursday. In case you missed it, Beverley covered four main topics directly affecting new professionals: student loans, credit scores, retirement savings and budgeting. PRSA New Professionals Twitter hashtag #npprsa tracked the conversation surrounding Beverley’s most valuable advice.
On student loans:
@MelindaBiegen: Tips on paying student loans from #JimBeverly– Step 1) Organize your loans, start paying the ones off w/ the highest interest rate. #npprsa
@MelindaBiegen: Step 2) Never miss a payment! If you can, try to set up automatic payment plans. Don’t be afraid to pay a little extra too! #npprsa
@MelindaBiegen: Step 3) #JimBeverly encourages recent grads to see a local Tax Advisor to educate us further and answer any financial questions. #npprsa
On retirement savings:
@prsanewpros: Save early! If you want to have $1 million at retirement and start saving at 25 = $300/mo., at 35 = $700/mo., 55 = $5,326/mo #npprsa
@DZ_Invictus: Retirement savings through company withholding plans confers pretax convenience, possible matching benefits. #npprsa
On budgeting:
@daniellerideau: Creating a budget for my future. #npprsa
@JoriRobinson: Good to have 3-6 months of expenses in cash in savings that is readily available in the event you lose your job. sleepability #NPPRSA
On credit scores:
@AnnaCramer1: Any number in the 700s is good, 750 + is excellent for credit score #npprsa
@prsanewpros: Improve credit score: 1. reduce debt 2. get back on track with missed payments 3. spend less! #npprsa
What’s the bottom line from Beverley’s seminar?
@AnnaCramer1: Save some money every month, pay some debt off every month and most importantly: live within your means! #npprsa
If you are interested in hearing the playback of this discussion, and did not register prior to the event, please stay tuned to our online discussion forum for a link to the recording. This event is free for Section members.
Jim Beverley, CLU, ChFC, CFP®, Financial Advisor, Partners Wealth Management
Jim Beverley has 16 years of experience as a financial advisor. Beverley offers Securities and Investment Advisory Services through NFP Securities, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. NFP Securities, Inc. is not affiliated with Partners Wealth Management. Beverley empowers clients by eliminating conflicts of interest, taking the time necessary to understand each client’s financial situation and educating clients on the solutions available to help accomplish their objectives.