We’d like to thank everyone who participated in the September #NPPRSA Twitter chat as part of PRSA’s Ethics Month.
Specifically, we’d like to thank special guest for the month, PRSA’s Board of Ethics and Professional Standards [BEPS]. Join us again on October 10 at 9 p.m. EST for the next #NPPRSA Twitter chat.
Review highlights of the chat below.
What did you learn from the September chat? How do you make sure your brand is remaining ethical despite the addition of paid placements in social and digital media? How do you confront situations where ethical values may be at risk?
Lauren Rosenbaum is the public relations director at BrickPixel, a web design and marketing consultancy. She is the co-founder of Soversity, a public relations and digital marketing company. Rosenbaum is also one of the volunteer coordinators for PRSA Houston Chapter’s PR Day 2013. You can connect with her on Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter.