PRSA New Pros wants to help you find a mentor who can help accelerate your career and support your growth. To do that, we are working with multiple groups within PRSA nationally to clearly articulate the goals and needs of new professionals participating in a mentorship program. Help us by taking this survey and tell us what kind of mentorship needs you have right now! Deadline to submit is Nov. 5.
Here are some benefits to having a mentor:
Learn what it takes to get ahead and fast. Mentors have put in their dues, so they can provide valuable insight into the skills and qualities necessary to advance your career, as well as help you avoid common mistakes and pitfalls.
Networking: Getting in front of the right people is crucial and mentors will be able to connect you with individuals that can help advance your career, cause or business.
Provide a reference: Depending on the type and length of your relationship, a mentor can be a great reference for you during your career as you apply for jobs, board positions, awards and grad school.
Job Opportunities: Only a small portion of available jobs are posted online, the rest are found through networking. Mentors are well connected within their industries and will be able connect you with prospective job opportunities.
Industry Knowledge: The learning curve for some industries can be extensive. Mentors are a great resource for industry knowledge and will be able to recommend organizations to join, classes to take and books to read to get you up to speed quickly.