We’d like to thank everyone who participated in the April #NPPRSA Twitter chat .
Specifically, we’d like to thank our special guest for the month Carrie Morgan , author of the upcoming book, “Digital Haystack: Essential Digital PR Tactics to Get Found Online.”
Join us again on May 9 at 9 p.m. EST for the next #NPPRSA Twitter chat.
Review highlights of the chat below. What did you learn from the April chat? What strategies do you believe are vital to digital PR success? How do you optimize your content for search?
[<a href=”//storify.com/prsanewpros/april-2013-npprsa-twitter-chat” target=”_blank”>View the story “April 2013 #NPPRSA Twitter Chat” on Storify</a>]<br /> <h1>April 2013 #NPPRSA Twitter Chat</h1> <h2>This is a recap of our April #NPPRSA Twitter chat. We discussed SEO & Digital PR with special guest Carrie Morgan.</h2> <p>Storified by <a href=”http://storify.com/prsanewpros”>PRSA New Professionals</a>· Fri, Apr 12 2013 08:21:46</p> <div><b>Q1: How do you define digital PR? What strategies are vital to digital PR success?</b></div> <div>A1: #DigitalPR is all about combining traditional #PR with social, search and content marketing #NPPRSACarrie Morgan</div> <div>Every minute you invest in learning about digital PR pays for itself. SO worth it. #NPPRSACarrie Morgan</div> <div><b>Q2: Do you think content marketing and SEO are key to the future of digital PR? Why or why not? </b></div> <div>A2: I think content marketing directly aligns w/ PR and getting relevant info out to a very targeted audience to drive results. #NPPRSALauren K. Gray</div> <div>Content marketing not only supplements PR – it’s a way to leverage what you are already doing for PR SO MUCH further #NPPRSACarrie Morgan</div> <div><b>Q3: How do you research and determine the right keywords for your content?</b></div> <div>Agreed long tail keywords rule, and are usually searched by people further along in the purchasing process. #NPPRSAAshley Hirt</div> <div>A3: Also consider goals. Any new initiatives you need to be optimized for? The "right keywords" can change at any time. #NPPRSASarah Tiambeng</div> <div>A3: focus on your brand strengths and key identifiers. What makes you different and what are users looking for? #NPPRSALauren K. Gray</div> <div>A3: If you know your industry, know your market and watch whats trending you will find what keywords are king. #NPPRSAJR Rochester</div> <div>A3 I use Google Trends, Google Analytics, & sometimes I copy a few of my competitors’ pages into Wordle. #npprsaJess Falkenthal</div> <div><b>Q4: In what ways can you optimize your content for search? </b></div> <div>Keyword research can even fuel great ideas for bylines, posts, etc. You can speak directly to what they are seeking. Powerful. #NPPRSACarrie Morgan</div> <div>A4 Writing blog posts that combine more than one keyword increases SEO for very descriptive searches. #longtail #npprsaJess Falkenthal</div> <div>@Sab_1908 @PRSANewPros I can never stress it enough. The best way to get hits is to write great material! #writersunite #NPPRSAJose A. Villalobos</div> <div>Identify right keywords, put in title, first paragraph, make relevant to keyword/phrase. #NPPRSACarrie Morgan</div> <div><b>Q5: How do you use blogger relations and guest posting to improve your presence in search? </b></div> <div>A5: Providing content that’s not just important to you but also to the blogger or guest poster. They’ll want it to succeed as well! #npprsaJacquelyn Baker</div> <div>A5: Use guest posts to advocate for your brand and to being new ideas and fresh content. Adds more search terms! #NPPRSALauren K. Gray</div> <div><b>Q6: How do you evaluate your SEO & digital PR efforts? What metrics should you track? </b></div> <div>A6: Content marketing can also be tied to specific landing pages or blog posts to measure ROI. #NPPRSACarrie Morgan</div> <div><b>Q7: How do you make the case to managers and executives for comprehensive digital PR programs?</b></div> <div>A7: Best way to sell it upwards is to show examples – and connect the ROI to their specific goals. #NPPRSACarrie Morgan</div> <div>A7 Do a simple & lean experiment on your own time. Show success that can scale & then ask for the resources to make it scalable. #npprsaJess Falkenthal</div> <div>Since most business DON’T do SEO, bringing this to the mix makes you much more valuable as a PR professional #NPPRSACarrie Morgan</div> Amy Bishop is the digital marketing manager for Cru Global, a faith-based nonprofit. Bishop helps align Cru’s global marketing, branding and digital strategies with new technology systems. She is the social media chair for the PRSA New Professionals Section. You can connect with her on LinkedIn or Twitter .