Keeping up with the trends means that you stay relevant, and developing those good habits now will only help in the future. (It may be hard to believe, but one day, when we’re not the New Pros, we’ll have to stay on top of what the newbies know!)
I end up reading several blogs, pubs, and papers to keep up on PR trends, but I also use Twitter to keep up with PR trends. Here’s my favorite top 3 people or organizations that I follow to stay up to date on PR trends:
- @Mashable – When it comes to social media news, Mashable has been my fail-safe source! This blog posts so often, the only way I can keep up, is to follow them on Twitter.
- @PRSAtactics – Getting Tactics in the mail is one of my favorite PRSA benefits. Reading about the trends and news before it hits print, is only better.
- the New Pros of PRSA list – OK, it isn’t a handle per se, but I do glean some interesting ideas off of my fellow New Professionals of PRSA as they tweet personal and professional news. (I also get to know you all better!) If you’re a New Pros of PRSA member, you can join the list by making a request to join on our eGroup. (Only members can access the eGroup, and only members can be included on the list!) If you’re not a New Pros of PRSA member, you can become a member and then request to join the Twitter list, or just follow us!
Of course, this list is very short.
Who do you follow on Twitter to stay up-to-date on PR trends? (Shameless self promotion is only acceptable if you tweet PR issues and trends most of the time!)
JANET KRENN is the 2010 Chair of the New Professionals of PRSA. She also “hosts” the New Pros of PRSA Twitter list! You can contact her at janetqs(a) or @janetkrenn, but remember, to get on the New Pros Twitter list, you must respond to the eGroup posting to prove you are a member.