February 2016 Twitter Chat Recap

The February #NPPRSA Twitter chat, earlier this month, was all about big ideas on a small budget.

Special guests during this month’s chat were Adrienne Wallace, Managing Director/COO, at 834 Design & Marketing and Todd Butler, President & CEO, at Causewave Community Partners. Delivering big results on a small budget can be challenging as you work around the parameters, but it can also challenge your creativity and help you break through with new ideas and successes. Click through the Storify below to see highlights from the conversation.

Mark upcoming Twitter chats on your calendar and view past chat recaps here.

April Twitter Chat Highlights: Influencer Marketing

We’d like to thank everyone who participated in the April #NPPRSA Twitter chat as we discussed influencer marketing and how it can be included in public relations strategies to activate influencers and build a brand.

PRSA Twitter ChatSpecifically, we’d like to thank Mark Fidelman, CEO of Raynforest and author of Socialized!

Mark is also a regular contributor to Forbes — covering social, mobile and marketing trends.

Join us again on May 1 for the next #NPPRSA chat and stay up-to-date with PRSA New Professionals on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.

Review highlights of the chat below. What did you learn from the April chat? What can you do to make sure the partnership benefits both the influencer and your brand? How can you incorporate influencers into your strategies?



headshot2Lauren Rosenbaum is the PRSA New Professionals Social Media Co-Chair and Co-Founder of Soversity, a public relations and digital marketing company. You can connect with her on Google+LinkedIn or Twitter.