The PRSA New Professionals Section is very excited to announce our networking session during the upcoming PRSA International Conference in Indianapolis from Oct. 23-25!
PRSA New Pros will host a networking breakfast and discussion on Oct. 23 featuring:
- Updates from the New Pros Section leaders
- Information on how you can get more involved
- A guest speaker from the PRSA Board
- 30-minute networking and Q&A session to meet new pros from around the country
We would love our members’ input on what you would like included during the networking time. Please comment below with any ideas around what would be most beneficial to you during the networking session. Feel free to also pre-submit questions you would like to ask during the Q&A portion, which will include discussion with other New Pros to help solve challenges you’ve faced professionally. You may also submit ideas and questions via email to Jess Noonan, Heather Harder and/or Ruthann Campbell or tweet us @PRSANewPros.
Please RSVP for the breakfast here.
We look forward to seeing you at #PRSAICON!
—The New Pros Committee Chairs