Intro to series… International PR by Dr. Dean Kruckeberg

“International public relations” is a specialization of practice that routinely, if not primarily, spans the borders of nation-states.  International practitioners may work for public relations firms, civil society (nongovernmental) organizations or governments at several levels.  However, these practitioners (either in-house or as specialists within public relations firms) more commonly represent multinational or transnational corporations that have global stakeholders because these organizations obtain their raw materials, their labor and/or their markets worldwide.  Using this definition, an American practitioner representing a German organization to publics in that country would not be practicing “international public relations,” while a German practitioner representing a German-based corporation to American publics would be an international practitioner.  Some practitioners accept longtime assignments or lengthy rotations at international sites, while others may be based domestically, but will travel extensively, i.e., they may be in an airplane or in a foreign country as often as they are in their home offices.

Some public relations professionals prefer the label “global public relations,” noting correctly that “international public relations” is not only misleadingly imprecise, but is in fact a deceiving misnomer.  They argue that:  1) practitioners, scholars/educators and students worldwide are rapidly coalescing into a global professional community that increasingly shares universal professional values and best practices, with decreasing national distinctions in public relations practice; and 2)  the populations of many nation-states are, themselves, highly multicultural, if not globally represented, and thus the assumption that discrete “nation-states” are themselves homogeneous is naively erroneous, i.e., in this sense practitioners for domestic organizations must operate within a global context because of the multicultural diversity within their own countries.   And, of course, all practice is international to the extent that what happens elsewhere in the world can affect practitioners’ domestic organizations in myriad ways.

International public relations has been practiced at some levels since the evolution of public relations as a professionalized occupation, although the number of practitioners in this specialization has grown markedly in recent years.  Organizations need specialists who have particular knowledge and skills to practice in a range of social, political, economic and cultural environments.  These specialists must have the strategic, tactical and technical knowledge and skills that are required of all public relations practitioners, but they require additional education and experience that increase the breadth and depth of their worldview to enable them to better understand, appreciate and respect publics worldwide.  International public relations practitioners must perform strategically as interpreters, ethicists and social policy-makers in guiding organizational behavior in the global arena, and they must take strategic responsibility for influencing and reconciling public perceptions of their organizations worldwide.

International public relations practitioners must be both urbane and cosmopolitan, i.e., true world citizens who are comfortable in a range of greatly different environments.  Successful practitioners must be consummate students of global society, with a longitudinal, i.e., historical, understanding of their clients’ indigenous societies as well as a latitudinal understanding of contemporary global society, and they must constantly monitor and interpret world events for their clients.  Of course, protocols must be understood, and fluency of indigenous languages is highly desired.  The need for strong liberal arts education is obvious, as is specific knowledge about world history, intercultural communication, political science and economics.  Knowledge of indigenous laws and legal systems is particularly important.  While the types of activities that international practitioners perform may resemble those of their domestic counterparts, and while their publics may resemble typical categories of domestic publics, nevertheless unusual challenges exist because of oftentimes significantly different social, political, economic and cultural influences at international sites.

New pros often feel it must be difficult to break into international public relations.  Of course, new pros will need to seek employment in organizations that are international in their scope or in firms that have international clients who seek relationships with publics in yet other international sites (definitionally, a practitioner who represents an international client in the practitioner’s native country is not practicing international public relations, although working with his international client will require the practitioner’s international knowledge).  However, multinational corporations oftentimes welcome young practitioners who volunteer for long-term international assignments, particularly if these new professionals have prepared themselves well for these positions.  Senior-level international public relations practitioners are quick to mentor protégés who have a primary interest in international careers.  Many resources also exist for those who want such careers, e.g., the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management, the International Public Relations Association, the International Council of the Public Relations Society of America, the International Association of Business Communicators, the U.S.-based Institute for Public Relations (and its Commission on Global Public Relations) and the U.K.-based Chartered Institute of Public Relations.

For students, public relations curricula in many universities offer courses in international public relations, and at least one university’s public relations education program offers a certificate in international public relations.  Several public relations textbooks have a strong international orientation, and a few textbooks focus on this specialization.  Graduate education in related areas, e.g., international relations and intercultural communication, can also be helpful.

The time undoubtedly will come when labels such as “international” public relations will be redundant because all public relations practice will be global.  However, until then, international public relations will be in increasing demand by contemporary organizations in a 21st Century global society.  It represents an exciting opportunity for those with the knowledge, skills and abilities to practice this specialization.

Dr. Dean Kruckeberg, APR, Fellow PRSA, is executive director of the Center for Global Public Relations and a tenured full professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

professional development event…How to Break in to International PR (Sept. 16)

Did you think you had to curb your wanderlust and settle down before you could enter the public relations field? International PR is one way you can feed your interest in travel and culture while still getting a paycheck doing the public relations work you enjoy; but how can you, a new public relations professional, tap into the international PR scene?

Next week, the International Public Relations Section of PRSA is hosting a teleseminar specifically designed to help PR newbies get a foot in the international door. Jim Holtje (Senior Manager of Leadership Communications for Siemens Corp) and three others will share their Tips to Breaking into International PR on Wednesday September 16.

Holtje was kind enough to give us a preview of his experience in international PR, including how he started on the international track and what advice he’d give newbies who want to break in. If you’d like to hear more about international PR and how to break in, register for the teleseminar–Oh, and don’t put it off for too long; if you want to dial in to the live event, you’ll need to register by this Friday!

How did you break into international PR?

I began studying foreign languages in middle school and continued through high school and college. In college, I traveled a lot to Europe, taking advantage of cheap student airfares, Eurail passes, sometimes sleeping on friends’ floors to save money. I had also gotten some practical journalism skills working as the features editor at New York University’s student newspaper, The Washington Square News, and worked on a PBS television program. After NYU, I got my M.A. at Columbia University in international affairs and economics. At first, I wanted to work for the State Department but ended up in a private sector career.

My professional career started out in international political consulting working on a 1992 presidential campaign in South Korea. I then worked for a number of PR agencies and consultancies doing international PR for Chrysler, DaimlerChrysler, Wal-Mart, Eli Lilly, Deloitte, Deutsche Post, and others in Washington, D.C. and New York. I started working at Siemens USA seven years ago including a three-year stint at the Munich headquarters as the chief English-language speechwriter. As far as international goes, I absolutely love it. I can’t imagine doing anything else!

What skills are especially important in international PR?

Most international PR pros are often generalists who have a tremendous passion for the world beyond their immediate borders. That passion could come from previous travels or living overseas or just plain “wanderlust.” Either way, they enjoy working and dealing with the world beyond their immediate horizons.

Personally, I think the skills that count most include foreign language ability; hard-core PR skills, including writing and pitching; as well as empathy for others who are not always like you culturally or linguistically. Last but not least, flexibility and patience. You have to be ready to roll with the punches in the international arena. International PR is not always seamless or easy. A lot can get “lost in translation.” But that’s the challenge—and for me, that’s what makes the work eternally interesting.

What’s a typical day when you work in international public relations?

There probably is no “typical” day. A lot depends on where you’re working and whom you’re working for. For example, when I worked as a speechwriter at Siemens’ global headquarters in Germany, we had to write speeches for our CEO to deliver in China, India, Brazil, Egypt, Russia, etc.

That meant quickly getting up to speed on our businesses there, plus learning what would work—or not work—culturally. You constantly have to strike a balance between what your core corporate message is while keeping in mind what foreign audiences are looking for or expect.

Typical? Not likely. Fascinating? Always.

What are you most excited about talking about during the Sept 16 telesem?

I’m excited that we have such great guests from the corporate, agency, and not-for-profit worlds who can give New Pros some real-world advice about international PR. Real world advice–not theory. This is especially valuable in a down economy when people are looking for ways to distinguish themselves in a tough marketplace.

Anita Larsen at Unilever; Robin Kim at Burson-Marsteller in London; and Blair Palese in Australia who used to head Greenpeace PR in London; all bring practical experience to the table that New Pros can benefit from. I’m looking forward to a very lively discussion and to participants getting some real value from the experience.

My hope is that it that the teleseminar ends up changing a few career. It will be well worth the hour investment.

What advice do you have for new pros who are interested in breaking into international PR?

The panelists on September 16 will have their own tips. Here’s a sneak peak at mine:

1) Travel. It can change your life.
2) If you’re already in PR and working at an agency, seek out either foreign clients or large American clients with operations overseas. Large global PR agencies also have opportunities overseas.
3) If you work for a foreign corporation, look for ways to work at the company’s overseas headquarters. If you work for an American multinational, find ways to work at their foreign affiliates.
4) If you’ve haven’t already learned a foreign language, give it a try. If you already speak one, improve your skills. You don’t have to be perfect, but you should at least make an effort.
5) Don’t neglect your core PR skills: writing, pitching, problem solving.
6) My advice no matter what you do in PR: Network, network, network…

JIM HOLTJE will be one of the panelists during “Stand out in a down economy: Tips for breaking into international pr”, a PRSA teleseminar. The event will be 1 hour long, mid-day Wednesday, September 16. For more information and to register, go to the event site.