Ask New Pros: Your questions answered

As we’ve written in the past, mentorship comes in all shapes and sizes. The beauty of it all is that everyone has something to offer–even the new pros! We’re taking questions from PRSSA members who are looking ahead to the great transition from being a student to entering the working world. Each month, look for our answers to students’ pressing questions. If you want to contribute as a virtual mentor to PRSSA by answering some questions in the #AskNewPros series, send Alyssa an email.

Do you have a burning question for PRSA New Pros? Ask us!

Copy of August


“Setting up benefits, insurance, etc.”
— Ruthann Campbell, Programming co-chair

Realizing that work/life balance really is an art.

“In comparison to an internship or a semester at school being full-time has no specific end date, so you have to make a conscious effort to find your own work/life balance while giving your career all you can.”
— Jess Noonan, New Pros chair

“I thought I was prepared for everything – a new environment, new city, real job, you name it. Turns out the one thing I wasn’t prepared for was how to handle time management for a good work-life balance. I know it seems like this is such an easy thing to manage, but any YoPro will tell you that this is one thing you need to prepare for in the real-world. Time management and over-communication are extremely important traits to learn quickly. it’ll get you ahead of the rest of the interns/entry level folks if you’re an over-communicator and have a handle on your time!”
— Andrea Easley, Membership co-chair

“Making time for things I’m interested in outside of work. Everyone always talks about how important work-life balance is, but no one really explains that it’s more about making time for the things you care about. In college, it’s easy to make time for going to the gym, hanging out with friends, reading that book you’ve been wanting to finish, getting involved with an activity or organization, whatever because there are clear blocks for everything. You go to class from this time to that time, you go to your internship or to work, you study and everything fits. After college, it’s just as easy to plop on the couch after work because you’re mentally drained and fall down the Netflix rabbit hole instead of doing those things that you tell yourself you’ll get around to. It’s important to make time for things you like, even when you’re tired & busy. If you care enough about something, you’ll find the time to do it.”
— Robyn Rudish-Laning, Membership co-chair

How tired I’d feel! The adjustment to early mornings was hard. If you feel like you’re zapped every day after work, your body will adjust. Get on a good sleep schedule and stay hydrated!
— Heather Harder, Programming co-chair

The expectations of doing your job well all the time. When you’re a professional, even a new one, your supervisor and team look for you start helping them move toward their business objectives soon after you start. “Getting it right” 85 percent of the time as an intern might be great, but when you’re full-time the expectation of a good employee is more like 99 percent.
— Brian Price, Chair-Elect and Section Liaison

The New Pros Bucket List

Whether it’s your first day or your second year on the job, there are several ways to get the most out of your first few years after graduating. Being a new professional is exciting, eye-opening and sometimes a little intimidating. Not sure how to set yourself up for success? We’ve got a few ideas that will make a good start. Welcome to the new professionals bucket list.

1. Find Your Passions and Dig In – This is the perfect time in your career to try everything and discover what you love…and what you don’t. Raise your hand for any opportunity that comes up in the office, even if it seems like something you’d never enjoy. Ask to help the digital guru. Sit in on a brainstorm. Learn a new research software. As you experience all the avenues of our industry, you’ll discover what you’re good at and be able to passionately hone those skills. Plus, you’ll be more of an asset to the company because you’re well-rounded.

2. Sit on a Junior Board – This is something both of us are extremely passionate about – and we think you should be too! Most nonprofits are always in the market for a little pro-bono help, especially when it comes to communications. Find a charity or nonprofit that really resonates with you and see if you can volunteer, or even better, join their junior board. This is a great way to give back to your community and to meet other young professionals. If you’re not sure where to start, some cities have junior board search engines, or you can visit to find an organization perfect for you.

3. Find a Mentor – Finding a mentor in your professional life can be intimidating. Remember, acquiring a mentor may not be as daunting as you’re making it! If any of you are fans of Sheryl Sandberg’s book “Lean In,” (and if you’re not, we suggest hitting up Amazon right now), you’ll remember her entire chapter on mentors. She reminds us not to “ask anyone to be your mentor,” but instead, ask people both senior and junior to you for specific advice. This could be as simple as “Can we grab coffee sometime and discuss how I can make my press releases more engaging?” By doing so, you begin fostering an organic mentor/mentee relationship.

4. Become a Mentor – Practice the flip side of No. 3. Both of us were lucky enough to have a plethora of supportive mentors while we were students, and I’m sure you did too. So, you’re a young professional now – it’s time to pay it forward! As we’ve said before, mentoring is so important to the success of your career, but so is being a mentor. You can start by reaching out to your own college or university. Do they have a mentoring program? If not, can you help start one? But, if you’re like us and moved far away from home, you can also reach out to the schools, or PRSSA Chapters, in your area.

5. Try Getting Down and Dirty – Be willing to get down and dirty and pour all your effort into your tasks. Sometimes you’ll be tasked with seemingly monotonous or menial assignments, but they’re actually the backbone of a much larger project. So, raise your hand and get excited! You’ll gain firsthand knowledge of all the small details that go into a successful project or campaign, which will make you a better leader down the road.

6. Grab Coffee with your PR Idol – Is there someone in the industry that you’ve always looked up to, but never approached? What better time than now! Senior-level people in the public relations world are almost always willing to grab coffee with a curious up and coming professional. Whether your idol is in your city or not, there is no time better than when you’re a new professional. If they are not in your city, try scheduling a time with them while you’re on vacation or a work trip. Or do the old-fashioned thing and set up a call! You will learn so much in those thirty minutes, and who knows, maybe your PR idol will turn into your PR mentor!

7. Expand Your Experience – Try a different sector of PR! This is a great way to discover what you’re passionate about and where you can learn the most. You’ll also be more qualified for serving clients from diverse backgrounds. Additionally, try working in different practice areas, even if it’s in the same office. Think you love the consumer practice? Volunteer to help with healthcare or crisis communication needs. You never know where you are most equipped!

8. Join a Speciality Networking Group – While PRSA is a great way to learn about our field, your personal education, and professional development, shouldn’t stop there. Like PR, most industries have networking groups specific to their concentration. Do you work in-house at a technology company? Join a professional tech organization. Are you in a corporate responsibility sector of a PR firm? Join a CSR networking event. These groups are a great way to dive deeper into your projects. Then you won’t only be the go-to person when it comes to communications, but you’ll also be all-knowing of your industry!

9. Attend a PRSA Event – Making the transition from college, and PRSSA, to the workforce, and PRSA, can be very intimidating at first. But, you have to take the plunge! The best way to network with other PR Young Professionals is to attend a PRSA event. Find a friend at work and ask them to attend with you. PRSA will not only make you smarter when it comes to industry trends, but it will also give you a strong network of people just like you.

10. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone – Perhaps most importantly, decide from the beginning of your career that you’re committed to growing professionally and personally. Do what scares you, whether that means moving to a new city or asking someone to lunch. You’ll never grow until you expand your viewpoint and embrace new perspectives. There isn’t just one right path in our industry, which makes the opportunities endless and the future exciting! Choose to seek those opportunities and discover what you love.

You’re only a new professional until the newness wears off. This is your chance to be the rookie, make mistakes and impress your co-workers with your fresh insight. Adding these 10 items to your bucket list (and probably a few more) will set a pattern for continued success and development throughout your career. So get going — your career is waiting.

Lindsey Young headshotLindsey Young is a May graduate of The University of Alabama, finishing her term as UA PRSSA president. During her time in PRSSA, she participated in two Bateman Case Study Competitions, attended seven nationwide PRSSA related conferences and hosted a regional conference. Along with PRSSA, she worked for her student-run firm, Capstone Agency, as a media relations specialist for The Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations. Lindsey is currently working in Chicago as the New Business Development intern for Burson Marsteller’s U.S. team.
You can usually find her looking for the best place to cheer on the Crimson Tide or catching up on Saturday Night Live. Connect with her on LinkedIn or Twitter!

taylor-shelnuttTaylor Shelnutt graduated from The University of Alabama in May 2016 with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Information Sciences (Public Relations) and a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish. She served as the firm director of the PRSSA nationally affiliated student-run integrated communications firm, Capstone Agency, and worked directly with The Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations. Taylor spent the past two months as a Summer Fellow at Ketchum Chicago and has loved learning the ins and outs of agency life! Connect with her on LinkedIn or Twitter!

If I Knew Then What I Know Now

Every story is different; you can’t compare yourself to everyone else.”

This is a phrase I have heard more times than I can count over the past 15 months — a phrase that is 100 percent true.

When I graduated from college on May 1, 2015, I was feeling the way many of you might be feeling today. Or maybe you are one of those who graduated from college with the security of knowing what your next step was. If that’s you, congratulations! If that’s not you, trust me, every story and path to success is different. Here’s my story and advice for those new graduates looking for their first job:

The End of the Beginning

I remember my senior year like it was yesterday; the late nights and early mornings in Reese Phifer Hall, The University of Alabama’s College of Communication and Information Sciences building — my home for four years.

Perhaps you were heavily involved in extracurricular activities such as student organizations, clubs, sports, or represented your school through ambassador programs; whatever the case, you knew that you were gaining experience throughout your college years that would set you apart post-graduation.

Well, that was me. I served as vice president of PRSSA at Alabama. I had an internship at a local (Tuscaloosa, Alabama) strategic communications agency, which became a part-time job during my senior year. I was padding my resume with all of this experience, and I knew I’d have no trouble landing that first full-time job. I knew I would soon be on my way to a meaningful and successful career.

Don’t get me wrong – being involved in student organizations and having internships are two of the best ways to set yourself apart from others when searching for a job. But that’s only the first step.

Fast forward to post-graduation and what I know now: Your resume alone will not land you a job. Your resume and the impressive experience you have under your belt may only be enough to secure an interview. When you’re in the interview, you need to prove your worth and why you’re the perfect match for the job.

The Uncertainty of Post-Graduate Life

Here’s where it gets tough. Here’s where each day without a solid lead or connection for a new job induces anxiety, stress and panic.

The days started rolling by, and I still wasn’t anywhere close to landing a full-time job. I woke up each day not knowing if I’d hear good news or if I would go to bed that night with the same pessimistic mindset that I would never get out of this slump. My friends were all getting jobs, and I was batting .000, striking out with every at-bat. I’d start to doubt my abilities and worthiness and wonder why I hadn’t found a job like everyone else I graduated with. It even seemed like younger students were walking into internships with the door held open for them, and every door seemed to be shut in my face.

This is where it gets tough, but remember, every story is different.

What I know now: With every step in the right direction, you will eventually make it to your destination. My parents used to always tell me that everything would work out in the end if I stayed positive and kept working toward my goals. They were right, everything worked out. It always works out in the end.

Not Where You Want To Be

Like I said, every story is different. Fortunately, I was able to keep a post-grad, part-time job at the aforementioned strategic communications agency, but I had bigger plans. I had plans to leave the Southern comfort and hospitality that I grew up in and find my way in a city full of driven and hungry professionals.  While in Tuscaloosa, I was fortunate enough to have a boss that motivated and encouraged me to chase my dreams.

The problem: I couldn’t find any opportunity that would open doors. The solution: I had to create those opportunities.

What I know now: Creating opportunities is key. For me, it meant networking and meeting professionals who were willing to share their own advice with me. However, I met so many people during my job search that it began to seem pointless… until I met someone willing to mentor me, encourage me and support me along the way. Thanks, Patrick!

What You Need to Know Now

If someone had told me that it would take over a year after graduation to find my first job, I would have been shocked, only because we’re told early on in college that if we get involved and be proactive about gaining experience then we will be fine.

My story is different. I had to fly to different cities and schedule informational interviews. I had to make networking my full-time job. I had to knock on as many doors as possible to finally have one open. For some reason, my work experience just wasn’t getting me anywhere.

After a long year of getting my hopes up, getting rejected and getting discouraged, I am proud to finally say that I am working in sports and entertainment PR with some of the industry’s brightest and most passionate people.

So, to each and every new college graduate reading this, here’s what you need to know:

  1. Most job opportunities won’t work out — that’s fine. Don’t be discouraged with 100 rejections; it only takes one offer to outweigh all the rejections.
  2. Get out there and meet people who will share their experience and advice with you. You just might meet someone willing to mentor you and guide you along the way like I did.
  3. Never give up on your dreams — reaching your goals will never be a smooth, straight road, just keep moving forward. I finally landed the job I had been dreaming about – the journey to my job now is worth every up and down along the way.
  4. Don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone’s story is different, and that’s what makes it so great. So what if your classmates already have a job? Your time will come…just keep pushing forward.
  5. Enjoy 1 – 4. My friends can tell you I spent most of my job search stressed out and worried. Remember, it will work out in the end so enjoy the ride.

Today I find myself at Ketchum, more specifically, Ketchum Sports & Entertainment (KSE). Looking back, I can say that I wish I had known then what I know now — that it always works out in the end. Sometimes you just have to make it happen for yourself. So when it seems like everyone else around you is moving on, starting their careers and establishing themselves, just remember: every story is different; you can’t compare yourself to everyone else.



Doug is currently an account coordinator at Ketchum, specifically Ketchum Sports & Entertainment (KSE). He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Information Sciences, Public Relations from the University of Alabama. Connect with Doug on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Five Keys to Personal Branding

Brands aren’t just for businesses anymore. As a new pro, it’s important to establish your own personal brand and voice out in the professional world to set yourself apart from the crowd. Here are five steps to creating a personal brand that accurately reflects who you are.

1. Define who you are

First step to creating a strong personal brand is knowing who you are. Take some time to think about how you want people to see you and what you want to be known for. Make a list of what you do and don’t want to be known about you, mark the important things and keep it at the forefront of your entire strategy moving forward.

2. Carve out your niche

Now that you know what you are, you need to know what you want to talk about. Add to your list the things that you know a lot about, the things that you’re interested in and the things you want to learn more about. Don’t worry if some of these items seem incredibly different. You can be a great PR pro and showcase that expertise while still enjoying and talking about other interests, like baseball or Keeping Up With the Kardashians or indulging in every show the Food Network has to offer. When making your lists, pick out the most important items at the core of who you are and fill in the rest with the secondary things you’re interested in. Your personal brand should reflect who you are as a whole person.

3. Scrub down your social media

Before you start posting and strategically crafting your personal brand, take a good, hard look at your social media. Check your posts, delete those that you don’t want to be out in the world anymore and keep that in mind as you post in the future. If there are any accounts or photos that you’d like to be kept private, change your settings or take them down entirely. You may think that some of those tweets and posts may never see the light of day again because you posted them so long ago, but better safe than sorry.


4. Fill your tool box

Take a good look at what you want people to know about you and think about how you’re going to present what you know. Social media is a pretty obvious choice, but how and what are you going to present? Will you share posts from your own blog? Examples of work you keep on your website? Guest posts you’ve written elsewhere? Looks like you’ve got some other work to do!

Whichever items you and methods you choose to use, make sure you have all the tools you need to get started before you actually start.

5. Shout it from your mountaintop

You’ve decided on what you want your personal brand to reflect, what you’re going to say, how you’re going to say it and where. Now it’s time for you to stand up on your mountaintop and shout it. Join some Twitter chats, share your insight and your posts, and get out there in front of people who are interested in what you have to share.

What methods and tools do you use to maintain your personal brand?

Robyn Rudish-Laning (1)


Robyn Rudish-Laning is a member of South Carolina’s PRSA chapter and is communications coordinator for the South Carolina Council on Competitiveness. Robyn is also a member of the New Professionals executive committee. She is a graduate of Duquesne University and is currently located in Columbia, SC. You can connect with her on LinkedIn or Twitter or read her blog here.

Be Unstoppable: 5 Ways to Build Confidence as a New Pro

Beginning as a new PR pro is exciting, but it can also be unnerving. Suddenly, you are no longer a student or intern – you are now taking on more significant roles within projects. As a new pro, you may interact with or even work alongside managers, directors, vice presidents and possibly even C-level executives. Being the newest professional on a team may challenge your confidence, but don’t let self-doubt undermine your skills and abilities. Here are five things you can do to help build your confidence:

1. Ask Questions

You’ve probably heard people say “knowledge is power,” and in many cases, that’s true. It’s natural to want to appear knowledgeable in the workplace, but having incorrect or incomplete information is far more costly than simply asking for clarification. Asking questions show that you are engaged and focused on accuracy. On top of that, having accurate information and a firm grip on what you are working on will make you more comfortable and confident.

2. Be Teachable

Being teachable is an incredibly important attribute for new professionals. An important part of being teachable is being open to feedback from others. As you may see over time, many seasoned professionals enjoy helping those who are newer to the field. Be humble and listen to those who are willing to share their knowledge and wisdom. Learning this way will not only help you feel more confident, but it will also help you build relationships with the pros who want to help you learn.

3. Remember Your Accomplishments

When you are working on a challenging project, or things just aren’t going your way, it can be easy to lose sight of all the things you have accomplished. It can be helpful to just take some time and reflect upon where you are and where you began. Think back even just a few years ago – what have you accomplished in that timeframe? Now think about where you are and where you could be a few years into the future. Remembering your accomplishments can serve as a reminder of the great things you are capable of doing and help build your confidence.

4. Make a Plan

When it comes to confidence, knowing where you want to go will help. You don’t have to have your entire life figured out today, but perhaps you plan on earning a Master’s degree by the time you’re 28, or you’re thinking about completing your Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) through PRSA within the next three years. Having a plan will help you feel more confident about your future, which can translate to increased confidence in the workplace.


5. Learn from Mistakes

Mistakes – we all make them. Some are larger than others, but all mistakes have one thing in common: we can learn from them. Understanding what went wrong and why can help prevent the same mistake from happening twice. The most important thing about learning from mistakes is to not beat yourself up. Shake it off and learn from them – tomorrow is a new day to shine.


Jeff Adkins is a public relations associate for Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, Michigan. An active member of PRSA Detroit, Jeff enjoys connecting with fellow PR pros and seeking out new professional experiences. He obtained his Bachelor’s in Public Relations in 2014 from Wayne State University (WSU), where he was a member of the WSU PRSSA executive board and a peer mentor for students entering the PR program. In his free time, Jeff enjoys kayaking and staying active outside. Feel free to connect with him on Twitter and LinkedIn.